Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I don't vote for Socialists


Jeremy said...

Wow, and in one night, you update us about the last 2 months. Soon we will all be bowing down to President Obama who is poised to solve every problem.

I'm just so glad that "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car or paying my mortgage. You know, 'cause if I help him, he's gonna help me."

Cortney Clegg said...

yeah, so Nate and I thought now would be a good time to get goin on our food know, just in case. :)

Cari said...

Isn't that the truth! It's sad that American's have forgotten that capitalism is the only reason we have been as successful as we have been- why can't we look at other countries and realize that socialism hasn't made them any more successful...Oh wait- because too many Americans are too dumb/lazy to learn about basic economics. They just want a free handout- equality for all- if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Cute halloween pics! Glad to know you're still around ;)

Rachel Durazzani said...

Hillary, I love that I can ALWAYS count on you to think. It's more than I can say for the majority of our nation. Thanks for a great post.
If you get a chance, read this post...interesting perspective:

Matt said...

Yeah, that was funny.
The dude has issues in sticking to 1 flag... and in 21 months went through 3 (America's, Che Guevara's, his own one). If my math is right in the next 4 years we should expect another 3 or 4.
I think he is planning to send McDonald's out of business by replacing BK face with his.
Seriously! Nate stick to your food storage plans.
Maybe he "really" is the messiah, he did come to us carried upon a donkey.
I think I am going to move to Switzerland.

Unknown said...

FYI Matt ~
We lived in Switzerland 4 years ago - it is totally socialistic. In fact, just last week they legalized the use of hard drugs(cocaine, heroin, etc.) in an effort to help drug addicts in thier recovery and crime....go figure. You might want to choose another country.
Sorry Hillary - didn't mean to use your fun family blogsite for political discussion :-)

hillary said...

It's ok Deb, I welcome the conversation!!

Nick and Sabrina Zurcher said...

Hello are you still alive? Update please! Totally agree with this post!

Nick and Sabrina Zurcher said...

I can't believe you only have 6 weeks left! That is crazy! I am expecting in June. Hoping for a girl, but wont hold my breathe. Boys are great... Just don't know if I can handle 3!

Kristen said...

Happy belated birthday to both you and the baby! Can't wait to hear more about him and see more pictures. Hope all is well.